Works and Grace

Until recently, I wasn’t aware of the many misunderstandings people have in regard to salvation through grace rather than works. Those who have not been raised in the Christian church or have not read what the Bible has to say about being saved by grace rather than works, I can now understand why this part of Christianity has been so misjudged. I’d like to clear up some misconceptions. First of all, just because we don’t believe we’re saved by our works does not mean that good works are in vain or invalid! What the Christian faith teaches is that none … Continue reading

Week in Review: Fresh Starts to Who’s Happy

This week I touched on five topics: Fresh starts for your new year, finding moderation in your Christian walk, the execution of Saddam Husain, having faith in God, acknowledging Christians are not perfect and I also shared information gathered from a study regarding the happiest people in the United States. In Fresh Starts for 2007, I looked at the significance the Bible puts on the number seven. Seven seems to represent completion and makes way for fresh new starts. In Finding Moderation, I wanted to bring a point across that we can’t serve God too much, but we can get … Continue reading