Enjoying Easter: Just You and the Kids

Easter is coming up slowly, but surely. You start to think of all the things that you need to do in order to get ready. There will be decorations to put up, eggs to color, visits to the Easter bunny at the mall, the Easter dinner to prepare, and of course….the Easter baskets. You will surely be kept busy, but as soon as you go about to prepare for this holiday those old memories start flooding back. At first, it is just a glimpse. Maybe you will have a flashback of how you prepared the baskets together or how you … Continue reading

Easter Candy Meltdown

It is that time of the year again and temptations are high if you have a sweet tooth. Getting your kids Easter baskets ready is just plain fun. There are all those little candies in pastel wrappers. You just have to try some of them out. STOP RIGHT THERE!! One little piece of candy equals about 50 calories. Who can eat just one anyway? Before you know it you have eaten two, three, maybe even four. Who is counting after that? You figure that you have eaten so many now why bother to stop. Your diet is sabotaged for this … Continue reading

What is Easter Really?

It might shock some to learn that Easter is not actually a Christian holiday. Easter has very clear pagan roots that predate Christ in the flesh. The name “Easter” derives from the pagan queen of heaven Ishtar or Astarte, as well as various other names depending on the region celebrating. During some Easter celebrations, men and women would assemble in a circle around a fire each placing a piece of oatcake in a shepherd’s bonnet. One of the pieces would be blackened. Each person was blindfolded and chose a piece of oatcake out of the bonnet. Whoever chose the blackened … Continue reading

An Emotional Experience

Last week I watched the Compass program – Billy Graham Down Under. It was an emotional experience and one that brought back memories. I was a child who went forward in that Sydney crusade. Strangely enough I could not remember that much about the events. I remembered Billy Graham giving the call to commit to Jesus. My friend and I both looked at each other and got up and walked without a word. I remembered more the emotion of the time. We were two of the 57,000 people who responded. The Archbishop of Sydney who was a 15 year old … Continue reading