What I Believe-Part 1, God and Jesus Christ

I’ve thought a lot about how to write this series of articles. I guess the idea came to me when I was writing another article, A Mormon for President? and debated about whether or not to post it on facebook. Many of my friends on facebook are friends from high school and other times in my life. I often share my blogs there that I have written. I wonder how many of those friends that aren’t Mormon wonder about what I truly believe. Maybe they were afraid to ask. Maybe they just assumed what had already been told to them … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading

Seven Lessons About Teaching and the Authority of Jesus.

Does your life reflect the teaching and authority of Jesus? Let’s look at Mark 1:21-28 1. Jesus went into the synagogue and began to teach and the people were amazed ‘because he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the law,’ verse 22. If you or I are in positions where we teach others in Sunday school, kids’ clubs, bible study or church situations, does our teaching have the authority of Jesus behind it? It should do, if we are doing it in His strength, being faithful to God’s word and enabled by the Holy … Continue reading

Week in Review: Skeptics to Being Busy

This week I wanted to put a little more focus on reaching out as Christians. I shared about dealing with those who are critical and skeptical; the challenge in witnessing to such and handling debates when they arise. I also wrote about the harvest of souls ready for a savior, giving your all, and making time for God. In Skeptics and Critics: The Challenge, I talked about some of the challenging questions asked by those who are skeptical of Christianity. The Bible tells us we should have an answer for the hope that is in us so it’s important we … Continue reading

Being “Jesus” to Someone

As you go about your day, please don’t forget to bring Christ with you. It’s too easy sometimes for us to get caught up in our rituals and lose sight of what is really important; so often forgetting to take Jesus with us as we head out the door to go about our day. As you get up in the morning, don’t forget to say hello to God and pray for a covering over your day. Pray and ask Him to inspire your actions and your speech. Whether you are going to work, heading to the grocery store or bank, … Continue reading

Serving Others Despite A Busy Life

I have been thinking a lot lately about serving others. At this stage in my life, it feels impossible to reach outside the needs of my own little family that demands so much, to others that might be in need. However, I believe that the Lord expects so much more of each of us. In the book, Daughters in My Kingdom, there is a quote by George Albert Smith that states, “Our eternal happiness will be in proportion to the way that we devote ourselves to helping others.” When you really think about that statement, it is hard not to … Continue reading

Star with Surprising Pasts

Everyone has a story or so Jon Favreau said in Swingers. Celebrities are no different, but some have pasts you may find hard to believe. In my last pop culture blog, I wrote about celebrities who tried to pass themselves off as Native Americans when they weren’t. Today, I am going to talk about celebrities that don’t try to hide from their past, but you just might find it interesting. First of all, there are the preacher’s kids. You might have heard that Katy Perry’s father is a preacher after there was a lot of press about both her parent’s … Continue reading

Helen Radkey’s Research is Controversial

Helen Radkey is not a professional genealogist, but her research has gotten quite a bit of attention anyway. She has been keeping track of the names that are entered into the LDS proxy database, and making some of those names public – particularly the names of Holocaust victims. She has also taken an interest in the ancestry of Mitt Romney. There is a controversy involving the LDS church, and the proxy baptisms of people who were Jewish, and who were Holocaust victims. This is definitely a situation where the practice of genealogy, and religious beliefs, collide. The Church of Jesus … Continue reading

When Genealogy Collides With Religion

People who are of the LDS faith have specific religious reasons why they do genealogy. One reason is so a posthumous baptism can be preformed on an ancestor who was not baptized when he or she was alive. Recently, someone did a proxy baptism for the parents of Simon Wiesenthal. He was Jewish, and a Holocaust survivor. This has led to controversy. Genealogy is the study of family. Everyone who wants to learn more about their ancestors, or to fill in missing pieces of their family tree, is welcome to partake in this hobby. One doesn’t necessarily need to be … Continue reading

Make December Meaningful

Last year at this time I was frantically planning our ward Christmas party. This year, I hope to be relaxing a bit more and taking care of a newborn babe. I have worked hard in previous months to get things “done” in an easy way like shopping online, leaving the decorating to someone else, and not planning too many activities. I look forward to sleepless nights with my little baby because I hope to be nursing by a Christmas tree and thinking about what is truly important this special time of year. I hope the slower pace will help me … Continue reading