Battling with Discouragement?

It’s easy to fall into the pit of discouragement. I’d suggest discouragement is one of Satan’s greatest tools. It’s one I’ve been battling lately. Half the problem stems from a cold or flu bug that doesn’t want to leave and half from trying to get work done and not getting far with it, due to other problems. Sadly, discouragement affects too many people in our churches. It can be easy to feel that what you are doing is not appreciated or even noticed by anyone. It can be easy to wonder why you even bother. Your pastor is not immune … Continue reading

An Apt Illustration

Sometimes God uses interesting ways to illustrate His Word and the point He is making. Last week we’d heard a sermon about the importance of keeping on in the Christian faith and not coasting along or resting on your laurels and thinking you’d done enough. It was illustrated practically that afternoon when we watched a football match. Our team, the Sydney Swans had in the first part of the game had the majority of ball use and yet trailed on the scoreboard, because they did not kick accurately for goal. It seemed their efforts were being wasted. Sometimes in the … Continue reading

Book Review: “My Gift to You” by Lori Nawyn

Trish Ingram has a secret. Beneath the facade of the perfect housewife lies a woman who is emotionally insecure, battling her own feelings of doubt and discouragement, wondering if she’ll ever really measure up to the standards she has placed on herself because of her past. Her need to remain in control at all times has alienated her from her family and friends, who feel that she is reluctant to give of herself. But if she opens up and becomes vulnerable, she’ll get hurt … so she believes. She maintains her distance for her own self-preservation until a good friend, … Continue reading

Half Truths Can be Dangerous

Half truths can be dangerous. They can be just as dangerous as an out and out lie, maybe even more so. The half truth is often one that casts doubt on God, or in some way waters down the message of the gospel, or the image of the God of the bible making Him into more human image. The half truth talks about God as being a God of love and while that’s certainly true, it’s not the whole truth. He is also a God of judgment. The half truth insists a God of love would never consign people to … Continue reading

Emotional Support Can Improve Odds for Breast Cancer Patients

Breast cancer is one of the leading types of cancer in the United States. If you or someone you know has battled with breast cancer, you understand the need for support and encouragement. Recently the “Cancer Support Community’s Research and Training Institute” unveiled a new registry for breast cancer survivors. These remarkable survivors will have the opportunity to share their experience and impact others who are going through the same thing. It is believed that emotional support can improve the survival odds for breast cancer patients. The Breast Cancer M.A.P. (Mind Affects the Physical) Project is recruiting survivors of breast … Continue reading

When Obstacles Come

Obstacles can have one of two effects on a person. They can cause you to decide it’s all too hard and give up, or that can make you all the more determined to persevere. The reality is we are all going to experience obstacles in our Christian life. It might be people at church who are not welcoming and don’t seem to appreciate or even recognize your gifts. It might be a spouse who doesn’t want you to go to church. You have been praying for them for years but nothing seems to change. I know the experience of praying … Continue reading