Don’t Be a Hypocrite

Has your teenager ever accused you of being a hypocrite?  Let me tell you something, they can detect it a mile away and they will usually be the first ones to point it out. If we were to get real, most of us would likely have to admit that we have been a hypocrite.  Maybe it’s telling your teenager that they shouldn’t do something because it’s not good for them, but then we do it. You might have told your teen it’s wrong to lie.  Yet two seconds later they hear you on the telephone telling a whopper.  Or you … Continue reading

The Church is Full of Hypocrites

The church is full of hypocrites. Have you ever heard that comment? Maybe you’ve even said it or thought it yourself? There are times when I feel like a hypocrite. For example the other day I let frustration and anger get the better of me. Afterwards I felt awful about the situation. But sadly, as is so often the case, it wasn’t something I could go back and fix. I was left replaying the situation over and over in my mind. Then on Sunday I was up leading the singing in church. I felt like the biggest hypocrite, even more … Continue reading

Mel Gibson: The Truth Shall Set You Free

He may be the ultimate hypocrite, but at least he’s honest. Not that telling the truth will save him from eternal damnation… but who am I to judge? If you watched Mel Gibson’s “performance” on NBC’s “Tonight Show” earlier this week, there’s one thing you can’t deny the Hollywood mega-star—-he’s one heck of an actor. The 53-year-old “Lethal Weapon” star showed up clean-shaven, looking relaxed in jeans, a white shirt and a blue jacket. However, it didn’t take long before he became a fidgety, sweat-drenched mess. And well he should have been. After all, acting takes effort. Gibson’s performance began … Continue reading

Are We a Kid-Friendly Society or Not?

We talk a lot about the importance of children as a society—we talk about education and “family values”—but how many times have you been barked at in public because your child was tantruming or had someone give you a dirty look as you moved too slowly in the bank line because you were corralling a your children? Are we hypocrites or sending different messages as a society in regard to how we feel as a collective about children? After all, we are the society who used to have “children should be seen and not heard;” we are also the society … Continue reading

A Soul-Searching Question: What Special Needs Could We Handle?

One of the most difficult parts of our adoption process was one of the first. We were presented with two single-spaced pages of special needs and asked to check “yes”, “no” or “maybe” as to whether we would consider the referral of a child with that condition. This caused much soul-searching. We wanted to adopt a child who needed a home as much as we wanted to give him or her one. We didn’t see the sense in joining a waiting list for a healthy newborn. Additionally I had always felt strongly since childhood that I would adopt a child … Continue reading

Week in Review: From the ABC’s to Mom’s Law

The ABC’s of Family Bliss discussed several different attitudes and actions we can implement in our homes to provide a more loving, Christ-centered environment. Tips included things such as: Never nag, be joyful, listen without needing to comment, perceive the needs of each member of your family, and encourage your family members to serve each other. Leading a Child to Christ in 4 Steps laid out ideas on how to carefully and effectively bring a child to Jesus. You must show the child the plan of salvation from the Bible. Explain the verses and ask questions. If the child is … Continue reading

Pets and Politicians

As the 2012 political race heats up candidates are trying to find new angles from which to score voters. Republican candidate Newt Gingrich has chosen pets as one of his. He recently launched a website called “Pets With Newt 2012.” The website mainly functions as a sort of social network, or at least pet picture website, where Gingrich supporters can send in photos of their animals with a caption that provides their name and reads “I’m With Newt!” The site also reveals that Gingrich’s love for animals extends beyond those of the domesticated variety, with a large front page picture … Continue reading

Mother’s Day is Meaningless

Do I really mean that Mother’s Day is meaningless? Yes I do, under certain circumstances. It is meaningless to make a fuss over your mother and celebrate Mother’s Day with a special lunch or dinner and gift of you don’t show her the rest of the year that she is important to you. If you treat her as someone who is there to pick up after you and look after your needs but never stop to think about her and how she is feeling then, why be a hypocrite and celebrate Mother’s Day? The same could be said about husbands … Continue reading

Is the Bible Irrelevant?

Is the Bible irrelevant? Apparently many people, and some of them those who claim to be Christians, think so. That’s the conclusion drawn from statistics produced recently which showed the staggering fact that ‘less than 2 of every 10 Christians in Australia are engaging with God on a daily basis through the Word.’ This is horrifying. How can our churches grow, how can Christians hope to grow in knowledge of God, in obedience in holiness unless they are reading His Word? As I read write this I am convicted that today I have not stopped and taken that prayer and … Continue reading

What Example Are You Setting?

Sometimes my kids will give me a real zinger. I received one today when I was a passenger in the van my son was driving. He is very new to driving and so far his experience has been on side streets. So today I stretched his comfort zone and had him start off further away from home, going down some busy streets. At one point he was going along and I told him to slow down a little. He asked me why and I said because the speed limit is 30 and you are going 33. Then he delivered the … Continue reading