Are Christians called to be Tolerant?

What do you think? When I read about Jesus I see a man that accepted those who wanted Him. Though He did accept them where they were, He did not condone their sin. Take for example John 8:1-11. The scribes and Pharisees brought to Jesus a woman who was engaging in adultery. Jesus told them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Of course the accusers left. None of us are without sin. Jesus followed up saying to the woman, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” Jesus acknowledged … Continue reading

It Makes You Think

I love TV shows and books that make me think. Last night we watched Boston Legal. Apart from the wacky sense of humor that permeates David E. Kelley shows, one of the reasons I like this show is because it is concerned with the law and makes me think. Legal shows always fascinate me. It also makes me think about things I might not otherwise think about. It may be only a TV script and not an actual case, but it’s enough to start the brain ticking over. Take the episode we watched where Alan Shore was to go before … Continue reading

Peer Pressure

When we think of peer pressure, school aged children likely come to mind. Peer pressure doesn’t just affect those in school; adults can be affected as well. Society generally has an impact on us whether it’s how we choose to dress, how we choose to speak or how we choose to behave. Christians are no less susceptible to various pressures of temptation from the world than anyone else. Peer pressure is not exclusive to those who we directly associate with either; it can come from people on television and the internet as well. It’s important as Christians that we are … Continue reading


Likely we’ve all done it or heard it; during the intensity of a moment one curses as if letting pressure out of a volcano. Some have even adopted curse words into their regular vocabulary out of habit. Swearing, cursing, cussing, bad words, they’re almost everywhere from the door of the home, to television, to bumper stickers. A person’s sensitivity to certain words probably has a lot to do with their environment. I have never heard a bad word come out of my mom’s mouth (my dad was a different story). Saying the Lord’s name in vain while growing up was … Continue reading

What Does It Mean To Be Narrow Minded?

Hmm, I think this depends on who you ask and how exactly they define narrow mindedness. I think secular society considers the narrow minded to be those who refuse to believe or accept points of view other than their own. They may also see those who are “narrow minded” as socially intolerant and self-righteous. Assuming my generalization of narrow mindedness is fairly accurate, I’d like to address some of these points. First off, is it really wrong to have a set belief? Is it wrong to have faith in what your religion says to be true? If it is, aside … Continue reading

Pornography and the Christian

Recently I’ve been hearing of more and more churches offering small group settings for men (especially) so they have a place to fellowship with other believers who are fleeing from their addiction to pornography. The issue of porn is not exclusive to men; there are some women who struggle with it as well. So why is this such a big deal—especially in a marriage where both husband and wife consent? As Christians we are to be sober minded and be watchful of the liar and thief which is Satan. In thinking back to my Marriage Series introduction blog, I share … Continue reading

Choosing My Standard

This is the first part of a small group series I’ve been working in called, “Values that Last“. Though I could probably write several blogs on this session alone, I am just going to focus on the specific areas that really hit home for me. There seems to be a decay of truth in today’s society. This is likely a result of three philosophies (among others) that have taken root in our society: Individualism: Personal independence, relying on yourself, the standard of your own life and what seems right to you. “In those days there was no king in Israel; … Continue reading

Why I’m Here

Hello. My name is Melissa and I am a Christian…. I could have come and introduced myself as a mother or a wife, but those things are really secondary to my faith. Who I am in my faith defines me as a wife and mother. I strive to place God first in my life, though I, like everyone else, fall short. My hope as a blogger at is to offer insight, practical teaching, and encouragement in Christ so that I may reach out to others while growing in my own faith. I come here in complete humility praying that … Continue reading