Enter the Hallmark Hall of Fame Sweepstakes

If you are a fan of romance movies from Hallmark Hall of Fame, then this sweepstakes should catch your attention. It involves a “made for TV” movie called The Makeover which will air later this month. Someone will win an autographed poster and a cast/crew vest. Others will win a copy of the DVD. The Makeover stars Julia Stiles as the main character. You may remember the actress from movies like 10 Things I Hate About You, O, and Save the Last Dance. She plays Hannah Higgins, who is a smart, driven, Harvard-educated professor. She decides to run for Congress … Continue reading

Separated But Not Really

Sometimes it takes the insights of someone else to come to the realization about an issue in your life.  That was the case when fellow blogger Michele Cheplic recently posted, “No Chance to Miss Your Kid.”  The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. My 18-year-old son is two weeks away from graduating technical school (Security Forces) at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas.  His first duty station is going to be Turkey, which we anticipated to not happen until March. Yesterday I received word from him that his orders to go will likely be earlier, possibly the beginning of February.  … Continue reading

Study Connects Allergies to Bullying

Two recently published studies connect bullying to things that parents might not immediately think would make a child a target for a bully. The studies found that kids with food allergies, and kids who are overweight, are especially likely to get bullied. You might want to talk with your kids to see if this is something they are experiencing at school. Much has been said of the negative impact that bullies have on the peers that they target. It happens at school, on the playground, and across the internet. Sadly, there have been several stories in the news about teens … Continue reading

Can Your Homeschool Blog Earn Money? {Part 1}

The homeschool cup runneth over with homeschool blogs.  Many frazzled homeschool moms and those at a loss for inspiration have found restoration in many of the amazing homeschool blogs on the net today.    My experiences blogging about homeschooling has opened up a world that I may have otherwise missed; both as a homeschooling mom and as one who profits from blogging.  Many homeschool moms have also discovered this opportunity and desire to learn more about profiting from their blogs. Since most homeschool homes balance on the tip of one income this potential source of support or business is becoming more … Continue reading

10 Mistakes I Made As a First-Time Mom-Part I

My youngest sister is having a baby. She is 8 years younger than me, and I have always seen her as my baby sister. But, now she is having a baby of her own, and I couldn’t be more thrilled for her! I was thinking about some mistakes I made as a first-time Mom and how I wish I would have known better. Although, we all have to live and learn, so mistakes might not be the right word. However, I am proud to say that after baby #3, I do know better. I have learned from my mistakes as … Continue reading

Mommy Blogger Takes Hit Out on Hubby

Don’t worry; it’s not one of our mommy bloggers… at least not yet. Heh. Okay, not funny. Nor is the news that a 24-year-old wife and mother to two young kids is behind bars tonight for allegedly paying someone to kill her husband. According to reports, Brittany Rachelle Martinez, an EMT and mommy blogger from Houston was caught masterminding a murder-for-hire plot that would have offed her firefighter husband. Police say Martinez offered a friend between $1,500 and $2,500 to gun down her hubby and make it look as though it was “work-related.” The Houston Chronicle claims the mom approached … Continue reading

Getting Called on the Carpet

Judge Judy has this saying that has always stuck with me. “How do you know when a teenager is lying?” The answer is…their lips are moving. In other words, you can’t count on anything being truthful when it comes to a teen. The first time I heard this, I had to laugh. While I don’t believe its true, I do understand where she is coming from. Trust is something we earn. I try to explain to my teens that it’s true in our house as well. When I know I can trust them, when they have earned my trust, I … Continue reading

Enter the Best Buy – Biggest Loser Sweepstakes

It appears that Best Buy has connected with the Biggest Loser television program in order to create a somewhat confusing sweepstakes. If I understand correctly, the winners will get some of the tools that contestants use on the Biggest Loser Ranch, (without actually visiting the ranch). The full name of this sweepstakes is “The Biggest Loser Meal Plan & Slimcoach Sweepstakes”. It isn’t being held through the Biggest Loser television program itself. Instead, Best Buy, and their reward zone, appear to be hosting it. What does Best Buy have to do with weight loss? I’ve no idea. The only connection … Continue reading

Mom-Friendly Airline Takes Flight

“Friendly” and “airline;” you don’t really see those two in the same sentence these days. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I saw “friendly” and “airline” in the same paragraph. If you’ve taken to the skies in a commercial airliner with kids in the last decade or so, then you know flying can be anything but friendly. A true sign of this is can be seen by looking at the evolution of United Airlines’ slogans. The carrier’s catchy tag line “Fly the Friendly Skies” debuted in 1965. The airlines stuck with the slogan until 1996. Today United’s slogan … Continue reading

Allstate Guarantees Satisfaction

How satisfied are you with how your auto insurance company handled your last claim? Often, people send off a claim, hope for the best, and expect the worst. Allstate is doing something different with the claims their customers send in. Allstate is offering a “Claims Satisfaction Guarantee.” A survey that was done by YouGov BrandIndex was released in July of 2011. This survey revealed which insurance companies were perceived as being the best ones by American consumers. A top ten list was put together, based on the responses that people gave to one question. “If you’ve heard anything about the … Continue reading