Actions Bring Consequences

We often hear that God is a God of love and He is. He is also a God of judgment as we see in Isaiah 3. The thing is that God’s judgment does arrive without Him first giving His people warning of what is to come if they do not change their ways. Isaiah 3:1-8 God warns He will divest Judah of leadership supports because of defiant deeds. While we might criticize these people for not listening to Isaiah’s prophecy and the warning God gave, how often do we refuse to listen to what God is saying to us? Maybe … Continue reading

How Severe Is Your Social Media Addiction?

There is nothing pathological about having fun and about feeling enjoyment. We were created with these feelings and this potential. Engaging in a pleasurable activity is not inherently wrong. But the line between activity and addiction lies at the crossroads where an activity that is positive or neutral takes a decidedly negative turn. With addictive behaviors that do not involve chemical substances – such as social media – there are a series of conditions you can use to determine severity. Importance: How important has it become to your sense of self and the way you life your life? You can … Continue reading

Boundaries to Set After Infidelity

Infidelity kills trust. Not only does it kill it but it buries it under a mountain of dirt. To bring trust back up to the surface and build it to the heights it was before the affair, boundaries must be set in place. The Reason for Boundaries Boundaries are for the person who has been deceived. It protects them from feeling suspicion that their partner is cheating again. It also shows the adulterer there are consequences to his actions. What Boundaries to Place Many of the boundaries you set will be based on many of the signs you saw when … Continue reading

The Inspector/ Certifying Personality Type

The “Inspector/Certifying” personality type, or ISTJ personality type, describes a person who is an Introvert (I), who perceives the world through Sensing (S), who relies on Thinking (T) to problem solve and to make decisions, and who views the world from the viewpoint of Judgement (J). If you are an introvert, it means that you are more comfortable focusing on your own inner thoughts and ideas than you are with interacting with a room full of people, especially if you do not know those people very well. You like to use your five senses to identify what the facts of … Continue reading

Taking Responsibility

Actions have consequences. It’s something we need to remember in marriage, in parenting and in all our relationships. Yet one of the biggest problems often apparent in marriages and society in general is not taking responsibility for actions. Recently in a book I read the woman had an affair with her brother-in-law which not only impacted on her husband and their teenage daughter, but her husband’s sister and their family as well. It wasn’t a particularly good book but what it did bring out what the lack of personal responsibility. When everything went pear shaped, this woman and the man … Continue reading

Epic Mickey

One of the things I like best in a video game is a good story. Developers make use of advanced computer technology to program sometimes 20-minute-long animated movies to appear throughout certain video games, especially at the beginning and end, to make the experience as much about hearing a story as about playing a game. And those are my favorite games. Foremost of them all, in my opinion, are Kingdom Hearts I & II, which fuse the world of respected Japanese gaming franchise Final Fantasy with Disney. The player’s character travels to various Disney locales like Atlantica from “The Little … Continue reading

The Danger of Pigeon-Holing

Can you say you love and trust God implicitly? Or do you find at times the doubts start to creep in? You start to wonder if God really has your best interests at heart or maybe He doesn’t fully understand the situation. He does. He knows far more about who we are and what we need than we ourselves know. While we may wonder at times whether God knows what He is doing because things aren’t working out the way we would like or expect and certainly not the we way we would do it if we were in charge, … Continue reading

For the Strength of Youth Series: Agency and Accountability

Understanding agency and accountability are fundamental in the LDS faith. Without agency, the whole Plan of Salvation doesn’t make much sense. If we didn’t come to Earth to make choices and choose through our actions to go back to our Heavenly Father, then why are we here? The For the Strength of Youth pamphlet does a great job of addressing this topic. It explains that “you are being proven to see if you will use your agency to show your love for God by keeping His commandments.” I recently taught a lesson on this topic, and after reading 2 Nephi: … Continue reading

A Lesson in Repentance

Today I was sitting at home doing some Saturday chores when there came a knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I went to the door not knowing what to expect. I opened the door, and a man and boy from my ward stood on my doorstep. I greeted them and asked how I could help, and the answer startled me. They were there to tell me that the boy and his cousin had damaged our rock wall a few days earlier. My husband had come home from work that day to find pieces of the rock wall … Continue reading

Who is Ernest Callenbach?

When I was doing my research on simple living, I came across the name Ernest Callenbach. I had never heard of Callenbach, so I decided to dig a bit deeper into who he is and what he has done. Callenbach is a writer, known best for his writings about ecology and the green movement. In 1975, he published Ecotopia: The Notebooks and Reports of William Weston. It became known as the original book about an ecological utopia and was a great influence on not only the counter culture of the ‘60s, but also the green movement of the ‘70s. Callenbach … Continue reading