Lifestyle Replacing Diet Plans?

You might be surprised to learn that less and less people (especially women) are dieting.  At first, this might sound like a bad thing.  After all, isn’t obesity a significant problem in the United States?  Shouldn’t more people be dieting? Well there are a couple of issues to consider.  The first is that many women are starting to embrace and accept their bodies.  Not that they don’t want to make healthy changes.  But there is less concern about being stick-thin. Others truly don’t see having too much weight as being unattractive. There are a couple of ways to look at … Continue reading

6 Ways to Begin a Healthier Lifestyle

The warm weather is finally upon us. You can’t help but notice how great some people look in their shorts. You are now feeling motivated to get healthy. How do you begin? By following these 6 suggestions, you will at least be on your way. Every successful story has a beginning and perhaps today is your day. The first tip is to get out and walk. You don’t have to go and spend a lot of money on a gym membership. You don’t have to invest in workout equipment. Just start by walking. Walking is a great way to break … Continue reading

Lifestyle and Menopause

I had always heard a woman can judge when menopause will occur based on when her mother went through it. I, however, don’t have that luxury because my mother died before going through menopause. And, I also think I have read that that’s an old wives tale anyhow. So what can we know about menopause and when it will hit us? If a new study is correct, the lifestyle we lead in our early years can dictate when menopause occurs. The study was conducted at the Institute of Cancer Research in the United Kingdom by Dr. Danielle Morris and colleagues. … Continue reading

Fitness Journal – Lifestyle Behaviors – Part 6

We are in the final blog for my series on creating a fitness journal. If you include every component—exercises, what you eat, the amount of sleep you get and your mood—you will learn more about yourself. But to top it off, we are going to look at how lifestyle behaviors play a role. Lifestyle behaviors are something I read and write about frequently. In my other work as a web content writer, I write health blogs for a Social Security disability law firm. So I have quite a bit of experience in the way health is impacted by this. We … Continue reading

How to Fit in Healthy Eating with a Busy Lifestyle

Is there anyone out there who isn’t super busy? Between work, family and home, it can be very difficult to fit in healthy eating. Here is an example, my daughter is trying out a competitive ice skating program. That means that we are usually at the rink at least four days a week. Wednesday is our long day, when we could be at the rink from nine in the morning until 1:30. Of course, the rink has a restaurant, and while it is conscious of offering healthier choices because it caters to a mostly athletic crowd, the fact is that … Continue reading

Lifestyle Choices Can Overcome Genetic Inheritance

Sometimes, genealogy is a mix of both family history and medical science. It’s a balance of genetic possibilities and the lifestyle choices made by an ancestor or relative. The question becomes, how much of your health is based on genetics, and how much is influenced by the healthy, or unhealthy, choices you make? Some studies show that how long you live is more due to your lifestyle choices than to your genetic makeup. When you go to see your doctor, he or she will ask you questions about the health of some of your other family members. Your medical family … Continue reading

A Fit Lifestyle Takes Time

I am now two months into my new fit lifestyle, which has included making changes to my diet and implementing a regular exercise routine. While I have lost weight (and inches) it has been slow going. This is the point where it can become discouraging. The other day there was a radio ad about the weight loss product Sensa, a product that I certainly would never try. After all, it supposedly helps you lose weight but you don’t have to change your eating habits or even exercise. That scares me. But I have to admit it tickled my ears to … Continue reading

A Lifestyle Choice

Paul urges believers to be living sacrifices, Romans 12:1-2. What does that mean exactly? It means that being a Christian is a lifestyle choice. It affects who we marry, what work we do, the friends we have, what we choose to do with our time. It means that being a Christian affects our day to day choices and decisions. It’s no good being a Sunday Christian and thinking you can do what you like the rest of the week. That means nothing to God. That is not commitment. That is not letting Christ rule your life. These are the type … Continue reading

Our Children Are Watching Our Choices

What do we teach our children when we watch television together? What do we teach our children when we eat dinner together? What do we teach our children with the types of food we choose to have in our house or by the way we spend our free time? It is important to realize that our children scrutinize our every action. They notice what we eat, what we drink, when we exercise and what we value the most. They know how we spend our time and whether or not we study the scriptures on a regular basis. They know the … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog Week in Review for July 21-27

Perhaps you were too occupied with summertime fun to do much web surfing last week. If so, here’s your Week in Review, which details all the articles Lyn and I covered while you were busy having fun. Monday, July 21 I pondered the curious case of sister-wives. (Also sometimes known as plural wives.) Tuesday, July 22 Did he forget to do the dishes? If so, Lyn suggests giving him a break and urges you to remember he is only human after all. I wrote about the older couple at church who caught Wayne and I’s eye. A marriage with benefits … Continue reading