A Believing Wife With An Unbelieving Husband Part 2

Part 1 of this series discussed the many difficulties a Christian woman faces when she has a non-Christian husband. This article will focus on two Scripture passages dedicated to giving guidance to this woman. “And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him. For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband…” I Corinthians 7:13-14a “Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without … Continue reading

A Believing Wife With An Unbelieving Husband Part 1

Ideally, every Christian woman would have the joy of being married to a Godly man. It was God’s original plan that every marriage would include two committed followers of Him. Sadly, because sin entered the world and man was separated from God, this ideal relationship has been forfeited in many cases. Certainly, it is sad when there is a marriage in which neither partner has trusted in Christ. More disheartening, however, is when there is a marriage in which one person is a believer and the other is not. People who find themselves in this situation struggle with many things, … Continue reading

A Godly Wife

What is a godly woman? I think it’s important here to refer you back to my previous blog and to stress that there is no mold. We are all unique and different and I’m glad. Being a godly wife doesn’t mean you look like June Cleaver and it doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. You must truly believe that before you read on to what a godly wife is. Otherwise you will just be following a bunch of rules and trying to play a role. First of all, a godly woman has a relationship with God. She makes time … Continue reading

A Godly Husband

I am a blessed woman! I am married to a Godly man and I am a better person because of him. Recently a friend asked him to write down his thoughts on how a man should lead his wife. I asked him if I could share his response on the blog and he graciously agreed. Without further ado . . . My Husband, Dr. Joshua Huffman I think the first step is knowing God. If you don’t begin here you just end up in legalism. The best biblical example of knowing God and marriage is found in Ephesians. In fact, … Continue reading

Mini Bible Lesson: Long-Suffering

According to Webster’s Dictionary the first known use of the word longsuffering was in 1535.  Today the word is rarely used and mostly misunderstood.  Many believe it is interchangeable with with patience.  While the definitions are similar the distinction is very important. To understand the difference we need to find the biblical definition.  You see it is possible to be patient and not longsuffering.  We must examine this further to know how to walk in the spirit. Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness;   ~Col. 1:11 As you can see from … Continue reading

Discipling Young Hearts: Masculinity

When I first gave birth to a son I assumed his father would take the helm and teach him what it means to be a man of God. I did not think I was qualified as a woman to teach my son who to be a man. After all, I am not a man. I took the role of raising my girls as a mentor seriously since a woman is equipped to teach the girlhood. As the years went on I would ask my husband his advice for any questions I had regarding raising a son. Eventually, I realized that … Continue reading

Learning to Simplify

Life is more complicated than ever before. Most homes have two incomes and if not are caught in a constant struggle of making ends meet. Kids are involved in sports, music, social activities, art classes and anything else they can be signed up for to ensure they are fit for society. Our homes are filled with computers, laptops, furniture, books, curriculum, magazines, toys, gadgets, and everything new or sentimental we cannot throw away. Our lives are filled with obligations to family, church, friends and finding a way to keep our heads above water. We are all busy and we are … Continue reading

The Effects on a Community

Firstly, sorry for the silence yesterday. I was too ill to lift my head off the pillow to join you all. In Lyn’s blog she detailed results of a survey on the effects of a happy, healthy marriage not just on the husband, wife and children, but on the community It set me wondering about this passage from 1 Samuel 8. The bible tells us nothing about Samuel’s wife and their marriage. Or about his sons until we come to the passage in 1 Samuel 8 when Samuel was old and appointed his sons judges over Israel, verse 1. Then … Continue reading

June Cleaver Does Not Live Here

I was reading a very interesting article about something called “competitive sleep syndrome.” I doubt that you can actually diagnose this ’syndrome’ medically, but sociologically speaking, it refers to moms making competitive statements about how early their babies have slept through the night. If you think about it, it’s utter silliness to claim your baby sleeps through the night earlier than he or she has or to use your child’s sleeping patterns as a parental bragging badge, yet in a survey conducted a few years ago, researchers found that most women lied about the age at which their little ones … Continue reading

Does God Want us to be Healthy, Wealthy and Wise?

The basis behind what is known as the prosperity gospel suggests that God does want this and promises it to His people. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples from the Old and New Testaments to see if, in fact, this is what God promises. In the Old Testament it often seemed wealth was the result of following God. We see this in the case of Abraham and others who were blessed. But we also see God’s people sometimes struggled, when they saw the wicked doing well and being prosperous, Psalm 73. So we can’t say only the … Continue reading