Learning to Love Your Body

We all know that motherhood comes with a price. Your body goes through a remarkable transformation as it prepares to grow another human being. If you are like most of us, you probably have a few battle scars to show for it. I’ve gotten used to my tiger stripes, but I still struggle with my post-pregnancy body. It’s been almost 5 years since I had Logan and I’m still not to my pre-pregnancy weight. I envy my friends who walk out of the hospital looking like a model in their size 2 jeans again. When I left the hospital I … Continue reading

Insurance Blog Week in Review – April 1-7, 2012

The Insurance Blog Week in Review brings you a quick and easy way to “ketchup” on everything that hit the blog in the past week. There are always somewhere between 12 and 14 blogs that appear here, and it is easy to accidentally miss something that you wanted to read. What did you miss this week? What Do Insurance Brokers Do? This blog will clear up any confusion you might have about what insurance brokers do, how they get paid, and how they are connected to insurance companies. The Insurance Podcast Roundup went up on April 2, 2012. This week, … Continue reading

10 Ways To Change Your Attitude

Yesterday we looked at changing our attitude which sounds easier to do than it is. So here are 10 practical suggestions for changing our attitude towards life and circumstances. 1. Focus on God and who He is, rather than ourselves and the circumstances. This is what Stephen did when he was being stoned for preaching about Jesus, Acts 7. 2. Remember who you are: ‘children of God,’ I John 3:2, ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood…a people for God’s own possession,’ 1 Peter 2:9. 3. Remember Christ lives in you, Galatians 2:20, so you don’t have to try and cope … Continue reading

7 Lessons From Paul’s Letter to Philippi

1. When we look at the letter Paul wrote to the Philippians he refers to himself and Timothy as bond-servants of Christ Jesus, verse 1. Can we legitimately use that title, ‘bond-servants of Christ Jesus’ for ourselves? How are we serving? Are we serving with joy and willingness? 2. Paul thanks God for the believers at Philippi, verse 3. Often we might pray for our church members and Christian friends but do we think to thank God for our fellow Christians as Paul did? 3. Paul prayed for the Philippians with great joy for their ‘participation in the gospel,’ verse … Continue reading

Your Marriage Benefiting from Recession?

As I’ve repeated more than once in various articles, I’m a huge fan of Sarah Ban Breathnach and her Simple Abundance approach to life. Speaking of Simple Abundance, if I’m remembering correctly it was born during a time when another recession was under way. Back in the early 1990s. Ms. Breathnach wanted to find a way to get more out of life with less, not just materially but spiritually too. So she revamped her life and her way of thinking about life and created what has become a transformative guidebook instructing other women how to achieve both as well. This … Continue reading

7 Ways To Transform Your Mind

Perhaps the hardest part of being a Christian is changing our mind set. We cannot change habits and attitudes, unless we first change the way we think. What do you spend most of your time thinking about? That is a good indication of what is most important to you. If we want to change so that ‘we do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world,’ then we need to do as the Bible commands and ‘be transformed by the renewing of your mind,’ Romans. 12:2. To have any hope of achieving this, we need to have an … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Ye Ought ‘Not Procrastinate the Day of Your Repentence’

We are already a week into the new year. How are you doing at keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Have you started yet, or are you putting them off until ‘tomorrow’? Some resolutions may not matter, but others may well have eternal consequences. The first Priesthood/Relief Society lesson from “Teachings of the Presidents of the Church” is entitled “To Live With Him Someday.” President Kimball discusses the things we need to do to return home to our Heavenly Father. As I studied the lesson, one of President Kimball’s quotes stood out in my mind. One of the most serious human … Continue reading

God Cares about Your Mental Health

I’m beginning a new series on mental, emotional and spiritual health. It’s not something that is always looked at from a spiritual standpoint though for us as believers, it should be. We know from reading Ephesians chapter 6 that there is a spirit realm and an enemy of our soul. It is Satan who hates us and wants destruction in our lives. He mission is to rob, kill and destroy us. Though God is gracious and merciful to help us, the choice of who we are to serve is up to us. Satan is crafty and does not tempt everyone … Continue reading

What the Experts Say About the 1940 Census

The 1940 United States Census will be released on April 2, 2012. This is extremely exciting for genealogists of all levels of expertise. A census is not released until 72 years after it was taken. Here is what some expert genealogists are saying about this census. It is always exciting when a census is released. Suddenly, genealogists gain a brand new resource to do their research with. This particular census is extra-special in many ways. Information from it could really add to what is already known about what life was like during a transformative decade. Researchers might be able to … Continue reading

What Are You Thinking?

‘I think therefore I am,’ Descartes said. The apostle Paul obviously considered a person’s thought life to be important. Philippians 4:8 reminds us ‘whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is anything excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your minds dwell on these things.’ Our pastor recently suggested, ‘a man is not just what he thinks he is but what he thinks about – he is.’ The reality is that as our minds are transformed so are our attitudes and behavior. What we … Continue reading