Benefits of Leap Frog

The market is flooded with all types of children’s learning tools. Although many are well worth the small investment, I wanted to point out two of Leap Frogs options, which children love. The first is called Leap Frog – Learning Fiesta Counting Maracas and the second, Leap Frog Learning Connections Train. Both are priced under $20 and guaranteed to entertain your child for hours while also teaching them valuable lessons. The first of the two, Leap Frog – Learning Fiesta Counting Maracas, which teaches your child to move and shake to 1, 2, 3. Loaded with wonderful songs and dance … Continue reading

When and What to Tell your Children about the Devil

After becoming a mom, I was eager to introduce my child to his Savior Jesus Christ. I knew what songs I’d sing to him and what I wanted to teach him about God’s love for us. I didn’t give much thought at that time to how I would tell him about the enemy of his soul he’d need to resist. Children who attend Sunday school regularly will likely learn about Satan in their class. They might hear about him through the story of Adam and Eve where Satan appeared as a serpent or from the story where Jesus was tempted. … Continue reading